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BSAC Diver Training

BSAC has been training people to dive since the early 1950s. During this time the Diver Training Programme has been regularly updated and improved to keep pace with developments in equipment and diving knowledge. The programme is designed to build confidence and self-reliance, whilst keeping safety uppermost.

Diving skills are taught progressively so that each new experience is built upon step by step. Following basic training in the safety of a swimming pool or protected area, students soon complete their first open water dives to achieve Ocean Diver certification. This progression continues to Sports Diver and beyond, where open water skills and techniques are further developed and experience gained.

All diver training courses are delivered through BSAC clubs, by qualified instructors over a series of weekly evening sessions and weekend open water training, with the opportunity for regular diving to hone your skills.

With BSAC, the choice is yours – this is YOUR diving journey and we are with you every step of the way.


Click on the headings below to find out more about the BSAC training programme...

Ocean Diver

This course provides the essential knowledge and skills needed to prepare for open water diving. The Ocean Diver course prepares for this in the safety of a swimming pool or sheltered water and an introduction to open water in a controlled, safe manner. Experience and confidence will be gained under the guidance of a qualified instructor. Maximum depth - 20m. 

Sports Diver

Sports Diver training builds a sound foundation of open water diving skills and experience with structured, practical lessons. Qualified Sports Divers are ready to take part in dives with other Sports Divers or higher. Depth can be built progressively to a maximum of 35m after qualifying.
Sports Divers can embark on the first stage of the route of instruction.

Dive Leader

Dive Leader training covers responsibilities and safety of leading other divers. Practical lessons will give divers confidence to deal with emergencies. Leading a dive will develop enjoyment, confidence and experience as a diver.
Depth can be built progressively to a maximum of 50m after qualifying.
Dive Leaders are eligible to progress to Open Water Instructor.

Advanced Diver

The Advanced Diver course further develops knowledge and skills. Divers gain experience in planning dives at different sites and different circumstances. Additional experience will be gained in using small boats, chartwork. navigation and many other related skills. BSAC consider this grade as being a fully trained diver.
Advanced Divers are eligible to progress to Advanced Instructor.

First Class Diver

BSAC's highest diving grade which requires a higher than average level of theoretical knowledge, organisational and personal diving skills. BSAC First Class Divers are assessed through nationally conducted examinations.
